Supply Bank

The world of Vintage and Classic bikes is full of choices, some good and some bad, particularly when looking for parts or services for your machine. Those of us who have spent a greater part of our lives building, maintaining and riding Vintage and Classic bikes will have, through both good and bad experiences, built up our own “approved” list of manufactures, people and companies to turn to.

It struck us that even the most experienced member may, from time to time, require the services of a third party supplier unfamiliar to them and wish to have the experience of other members to help decide who is reliable and provides the best service.

I know many will be thinking there are lots of forums out there but they can be intimidating places for a newbie.

One of the most valuable things about being part of a special interest club, such as the VMCC, is the amount of knowledge held within its membership; the challenge is how to get access to that vast collective know how. As a motorcycle club, for that is what we are, we should strive to not only support other members but to value this collective knowledge and make sure it stays accessible to the club for the benefit of all members in the future.

To help new and existing members take advantage of this we have decided to develop a VMCC Suppliers and Services knowledge hub or Supply Bank.

We are asking members to let us know which products and service providers you would recommend to other members and why they merit your mention.

We intend to focus primarily on products and services of relevance to Vintage and Classic motor cycles and riders but not exclusively.

Once the Supply Bank begins to be populated with suppliers and, more importantly, members recommendations and feedback, the database will become a vital and invaluable resourse enabling members to search for products and services based on key words and to see what other members think. There are opportunities to leave your own feed-back and comments about suppliers you have dealt with and to recommend others that are not yet listed.

There is a nominal charge to supplers to be listed in the Supply Bank database with options for them to increase exposure through additional advertisments and branding on the web site and in the Journal.

To make this as easy as possible to get started we have set up an online form to propose a Supplier. we will then contact them and see if they wish to be part of Supply Bank Suggest a Supplier or email me.

It would be really appreciated by the wider membership if as many people take time to do this as possible, thank you for taking the time.

Suppliers interested in Participating in Supply Bank should visit the Supplier section below.

Search for Suppliers

The VMCC is pleased to announce an exciting new service to all of its member called Supply Bank.Supply Bank is an online database of suppliers and service providers that are of interest to our extensive membership of over 12,000.Members using these services or products will be able to leave feed-back and a rating of their experience enabling future customers to have confidence when using the same provider in the future.

Manufacturers, suppliers and service providers of all sizes are encouraged to participate in this scheme by registering their details in Supply Bank.There is a small, minimum charge to be listed in the system with additional options to advertise in the Journal read by over 12,000 members. Fees are on an annual basis starting from the date first joined and payable in advance.All participants agree to respect the feed-back provided by customers which will be monitored by the VMCC.

Levels of Participation

Bronze Level – this is the minimum level of entry and includes:

  • Entry in the online database accessed through the VMCC web site.
  • Short description of products/services provided.This should focus on your core business that is relevant to our members
  • Search facility based on keywords in the description
  • Online map showing location of provider based on Post Code provided
  • Contact details including:
    • landline telephone
    • mobile telephone
    • street address
    • email
    • link to web site
    • link to face-book page.

Cost per annum £100 plus VAT

Silver Level – in addition to the benefits of Bronze Level suppliers opting for Silver Level will also be able to:

  • provide a logo and/or small advert to be placed on the Supply Bank – Suppliers web page and linked to your website/face book page
  • Small text advert, maximum 100 words, to be included in the Trade section of every issue of the journal for 1 year.

Cost per annum £450.00 plus VAT

Gold Level – in addition to the benefits of Bronze Level suppliers will be offered a full colour advert in all issues of the Journal over a 12-month period.The same advert will also be published on the VMCC website on the Supply Bank – Suppliers page.

There are a range of prices depending on the size of advert desired, subject to availability:

A) Cover - £11,750 plus VAT
B) Full Page - £9,750 plus VAT
C) Half Page - £5,500 plus VAT
D) 1/4 Page - £3,000 plus VAT
E) 1/8 page - £1750 plus VAT
F) 1/16 Page - £950 plus VAT

All schemes are subject to VAT and payment in full in advance.

For further details contact or visit the web page bank

To download a copy of this information sheet click here

To register your business in Supply Bank please complete the Registration Form here.

To provide feed-back for a supplier please follow this link: Supplier Feed-Back. If the supplier is not yet listed please complete the Suggest a Supplier form so we can invite them to join the scheme.


Contact Us

Opening Hours:

VMCC Allen House

The Vintage Motor Cycle Club

Allen House
Wetmore Road
Burton Upon Trent
Staffordshire DE14 1TR, UK

Phone: +44 (0)1283 495100

Membership +44 (0) 1283 495100

Shop Phone: +44 (0)1283 495101

Library Phone: +44 (0)1283 495111

VMCC Motorcycle Insurance: +44(0)121 274 5355


Monday - 9:00am - 5:00pm

Tuesday - 9:00am - 5:00pm

Wednesday - 11:00am - 5:00pm

Thursday - 9:00am - 5:00pm

Friday - 9:00am - 3:00pm

Saturday & Sunday - CLOSED

Library: Maddie Matei

DVLA: Peter Bennett

Editor/Small Ads/Advertising: Peter Henshaw

Accounts/Direct Debits: Beverley Rushworth

Retail/Transfers: Terry Woods
